24 Feb '05:
Capt Szucs: That's why I'm not a good recruiter. 'Cuz I'd never try to get you cadets to be something that you don't really wanna be. I don't want to be sitting in the O-Club ten years from now and in staggers a drunk Captain Scully swaggerin' about goin', "AaaaYayayayyyaaa... i'M GOnNA kILl THe prIcK ThAT tOLd mE tO bE A pIlOT iF i EVeR sEe hIM agAiN. hEy, wAiT... tHErE He iS OveR ThERe!!!"
Brendan: Our squadron should be called 'The Winky One-Eyed Worms'.
Me: WHAT???!!!
Julie: And what, exactly, would you put on your shield?
Brendan: I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking before I said that.
Dan: Does anyone have any Chapstick?
Tracy: Ummmm... no... but I've got chapped nipple cream. It's basically the same thing.
Dan: Okaaaaaaaaay... (puts nipple cream on his lips)
Matt: Well, that's one way to apply it to her chapped nipples!